His intervention came too late, for a bullet fired by one of the others hit the camel and damaged its spine.
While working on his own house in east London in the 1970s, he fell through the floor and damaged his spine.
He had been paralyzed since the day a wall had fallen on him and irreparably damaged his spine.
Winter's veterinarians feared that this unusual movement would damage her spine.
Shortly after landing he fell 30 ft into a ravine and severely damaged his spine.
Other policemen kicked him around, breaking his hand and damaging his spine.
However she climbs onto the village archway and falls off, damaging her spine as a result.
He supplies Charlotte with drugs, but she falls from an archway and damages her spine.
In the accident, he damaged his spine leaving him with quadriplegia.
At the age of 17, Jamil was struck by a car, breaking several bones and damaging her spine.