However he was stripped of his NCMP seat in 2001 when he was declared bankrupt after failing to keep up with payments for damages owed to PAP leaders as a result of a libel suit.
Although St. Louis County projects millions in cost savings resulting from the new trash districts, the county may be responsible for millions of dollars in damages owed to former waste haulers pending the outcome of the lawsuit.
Hearings are set for Monday in the copyright infringement trial of Seagram's Universal Music Group against, after a ruling on Wednesday by a federal judge that could limit the damages owed by the Internet music start-up.
On 10 February 2006, Chee was declared bankrupt by the High Court after failing to pay the damages owed to Goh and Lee.
The next phase of the case - which was the first in New York to find an outgoing office tenant liable to an incoming one for trespass - will include a trial to determine damages owed to the law firm, now called Cooley Godward Kronish.
Xerox reported earlier this year that it had taken a pretax charge of $300 million to cover possible damages owed in the case.
He said insurance would cover any damages owed to the funds.
Transition funds (damages owed under the rental code) to those who will just leave quickly are slowly negotiated up to $3,000 per apartment tenant, $1,400 per roomer to leave quickly.
He said he would first rule on damages owed by Research in Motion stemming from a jury verdict in 2002 that found that it had infringed on NTP's patents.
The union contends that the payment represented damages owed by Claiborne under its union contract for use of nonunion manufacturers over several years, and was unrelated to the settlement of the arbitration disputes.