These stresses normally act to damage proteins, causing partial unfolding and possible aggregation.
Levuglandins and isolevuglandins can damage proteins by covalent adduction, thereby interfering with their normal functions.
Creates iron-mediated free oxygen radicals that damage the DNA, proteins and cell membranes.
"It suggests that your own basic metabolism generates molecules that can damage proteins, DNA and fats, and that's the cause of aging."
The restored blood flow reintroduces oxygen within cells that damages cellular proteins, DNA, and the plasma membrane.
ROS can damage DNA, RNA, and proteins, which, in theory, contributes to the physiology of ageing.
But under oxidative stress conditions, excessive ROS can damage cellular proteins, lipids and DNA, leading to fatal lesions in cell that contribute to carcinogenesis.
Free radicals can damage proteins, lipids or DNA.
Glycation mainly damages proteins.
Reactive oxygen species can damage the DNA and proteins in cells.