The damages awarded today ranged from $35,000 to $475,000.
However, depending on the extent of the injury, damage can range in loss of proprioception of an individual limb or the entire body.
When myelomalacia occurs, the damage done to the spinal cord may range from minimal to extensive.
The damages ranged from toppled oaks to destroyed homes.
The paralysis can be partial or complete; the damage to each nerve can range from bruising to tearing.
Statutory damages range from a few hundred dollars to hundreds of thousands:
The damage ranged from the frightening to the merely puzzling.
The damage can range from a few minor personality quirks to schizophrenia or catatonia.
In any given location the damage to features and artifacts ranges from complete destruction down to flaws only visible at the microscopic level.
If the judge finds the conduct not willful, the damages could range from $750 to $30,000.