In 1988, Krueger was awarded more than $2.3 million dollars in damages stemming from a lawsuit against the San Francisco 49ers.
The surgery, performed in Worcester, Mass., repaired damage stemming from the first operation.
Economists and accountants have tried to tally the damage stemming from the attack, and though their figures do not always match, the costs are undeniably substantial.
The lawsuits also said the insurers had sought to curtail coverage for environmental damage stemming from spills or other types of pollution incidents.
The Justices, by a 5-to-4 vote, ruled that the shareholders are not entitled to any damages stemming from what the shareholders said were misleading proxy statements.
Indeed, there have been other cases in which wealthy defendants, acquitted in a criminal trial, are later found liable for monetary damages stemming from the same deed.
Genie's mother already had vision problems, caused by neurological damage stemming from a childhood accident.
The settlement is the second time that Alyeska has paid damages stemming from the wreck of the Exxon Valdez.
German law also makes it difficult to sue companies for damages stemming from false statements.
It declared that General Pinochet is "provisionally" liable for undetermined civil damages stemming from the human rights charges.