The remaining tissues are pervaded by "nanobots" which use the original DNA of the human to regenerate any damaged organs.
A training system called BrainPort is letting people with visual and balance disorders bypass their damaged sensory organs and instead send information to their brain through the tongue.
He is shot through the heart; however, the cause of death is from overtaxing his damaged organ by stopping a mandroid from falling onto a crowd.
Look for changes in the blood vessels of injured or damaged organs.
These could then be converted into the specialized cell types needed to repair damaged organs.
Inspiration: Emily hopes her research will help scientists provide a way to replace damaged or worn organs and joints in space.
(Eventually, even these may be made unnecessary when we learn how to regenerate damaged organs or severed limbs, growing new ones as the lizard now grows a tail.)
Besides which, the ability to regenerate damaged organs increases the spectrum visible to the retina, and response to psychotherapy is heightened.
Human embryonic stem cells may not be the only source of tissue needed to repair damaged organs.
Scientists envision that such stem cells will be used to grow new brain cells, heart cells or other cells to repair damaged organs.