Many neurons in the damaged region are temporarily stunned rather than killed.
However, inhibitory reaction of the surrounding tissue of damaged region must be overcome before the treatment produces significant improvement.
With enough resources, a damaged region can reconstruct itself with surprising speed.
Vice President Al Gore today toured some of the damaged region.
Studies of the rats' tissues showed that in the three that remained paralyzed, nerves had not grown across the damaged region in the spinal cord.
Recurrence of injury in the damaged region of tendon is common.
The hospital, in the heart of the damaged region, is running on its emergency electricity source and a skeleton staff of 48 doctors and 260 nurses.
He also said that people returning to homes in the damaged region have begun finding the bodies of relatives.
This damaged region will conduct impulses more slowly, resulting in irregular rhythms.
The damaged region may enlarge or extend and become more life-threatening.