She called such a review routine, adding that state law enforcement officials hoped that the two men would "begin to repair a damaged relationship for the betterment of the community."
The stresses of her damaged relationships with her family, satisfying her parole officer, and finding a way to reconnect with her daughter soon prove overwhelming.
Although he lived into his eighties, the two of us could never patch up our damaged relationship, overcome the anger we felt.
After the President's prime-time confession, the news media were abuzz about whether Mr. Clinton could repair his damaged relationships with his wife and daughter.
Her appearance on the show seems to have mended damaged relationships between the Mexican popstress and the television company "TV Azteca".
The storyline signifying his departure played heavily on the Mitchell brothers' fragile and damaged relationship.
He now has a chance both to repair his damaged relationship with David, and lead the team to victory.
Ironically, Luke's death helps to repair her damaged relationship with Steven and they become friends.
She tried to appeal to his softer side, to retreat to their unblemished bond as mother and son, free of the emotional baggage of her damaged relationship with his father.
Fripp would subsequently mend his damaged relationships with Wallace and Collins, although not with Burrell.