Andros' tenure in New England was authoritarian and turbulent, as his actions were viewed as pro-Anglican, damaging criticism in a region home to many Puritans.
According to Cesar Pelli, the most damaging criticism came from Prince Charles, who said on national television, "I personally would go mad if I had to work in a place like that".
Perhaps the potentially most damaging criticism was a comment two weeks ago by Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson, who is hearing the case in Federal District Court here.
From the mid 1960s onwards, its popularity steadily declined due partly to damaging criticism, partly to competing perspectives which appeared to provide superior explanations, and partly to changes in fashion.
Mr. Clinton also used the issue to try to defuse some of the most damaging criticisms that have been lodged against him.
In this instance, Cassell's empirical work has drawn damaging criticism, particularly from Schulhofer, who makes a powerful case that Cassell's methods simply aren't credible.
The most damaging criticism, though, came in a report by the Swiss Interior Ministry accusing several institutions of serious shortcomings during the 1984-1986 period.
It wasn't until late 1995 that the most damaging criticism of The Bell Curve began to appear, in tiny academic journals.
The colloquium's Chairman stops the potentially damaging criticism by staging a false fire alarm.
An over-elaboration of trifles, and a want of grip of common-sense, and of adaptation to new ideas, is the most serious and damaging criticism which can be levelled against our army.