As the sinkings increased, so too did the number of politically damaging incidents.
It was a real possibility-and the opening for a potentially damaging incident before their mission had even begun!
Few major damaging incidents happened to Stella Solaris, and she quickly became one of the more popular cruise vessels of the time.
Structural damages caused, for example, by hitting sharp curbs or potholes, can also lead to sudden tire failures, even a certain time after the damaging incident.
In another potentially damaging incident, Dr. Crew drew widespread criticism last week when he said that a City Council member who had demanded his resignation was "too short."
The single most damaging incident came in an interview by a local television anchorwoman, Natalie Jacobson of WCVB.
The most damaging incident was the government's bungled response to a recent flash flood in central Taiwan that killed four construction workers.
He knew very well how protective and jealous the Afrikaners were of their women, and how easy it would be to precipitate an ugly and damaging incident.
When he was in high school, an emotionally damaging bullying incident caused him to bring a knife to school.
A suspension of Lindros would be a courageous move by Campbell, who has declined to suspend Lindros for other more damaging incidents this season.