In general, the artwork requires regular cleaning of both the steel and court components to discourage the buildup of damaging materials.
The public disclosure in court about the potentially damaging material in the journals startled and disturbed the defense lawyers.
That's just a ball of psychologically damaging material.
Other potentially damaging materials include non-archival quality cardboard, card, paper, cotton and cork, all of which give off acidic vapors over time.
Ironically, the terrorist threat turns out to be a hoax because the group only claims to possess damaging material.
(He had done them a favor by exposing someone who was blackmailing them, without the damaging material becoming public.)
In the story a man named Rod Valenta complained, "completely unacceptable for free-to-air television, especially during a weekend when children can view this damaging material".
Once dissolved, permeability should be restored and the reservoir fluids will flow into the well bore, cleaning up what is left of the damaging material.
It must be possible both to offer the necessary safeguards regarding personal integrity and to halt the spread of unlawful or damaging material.
And at one point, cross-examinations by two of the lawyers seemed to stumble over each other and damaging material was admitted into evidence.