He said Ms. Fiorina had handled previous layoffs poorly, damaging morale at Hewlett.
If companies want to stay on top, they have to prevent these negatives from damaging morale or the decision-making process.
But with light casualties on both sides, the battle didn't inflict much damage, other than damaging Confederate morale.
Union officials contend that Chief Ramsey has enforced those rules too stringently, punishing aggressive officers and damaging morale in the process.
But he rejects the popular belief that information about the city's blitz was suppressed to avoid damaging civilian morale.
There are limits to what cuts in personnel can be realized in the coming year without unduly damaging morale.
Because it showed dead GIs wrapped in mattress covers, some officers tried to prevent soldiers in training from seeing it, for fear of damaging morale.
He couldn't say anything about that, not to anybody, not without being accused of deliberately damaging morale.
He ordered Johnston's body shrouded for secrecy to avoid damaging morale in the army and then resumed attacks against the Hornet's Nest.
She understands that it is the childhood version of a job evaluation, that she has to convey strengths and weaknesses without damaging morale or motivation.