Some were so close to her that she inhaled their hot, damp breath.
The last thing she remembered was a voice near her ear, the breath hot and damp, telling her to hush.
The heavens were about to deluge them with snow, and he felt the relentless pressure of time, like a dire cat's hot, damp breath on his neck.
He did not speak for a moment, but Salameh could hear Rish's breathing and smell the man's damp breath.
There was a hollow thud as his attacker hit the floor, damp breath gasping for air.
The air grew increasingly cold around them, their damp breath crystallizing against the flesh on their faces.
He could feel Matt's warm, damp breath on his face, could nearly taste the carrion that festered between his yellowed teeth.
A stream of warm damp breath poured from the breathing vents.
Warm damp breath fell on her cheek.
The damp breath of the Pacific slid into the room around us.