Otherwise, they served their time under the same conditions: they all had to wear chains and spend nights in cold and damp dungeons.
We're not in the habit of shutting people up in dark damp dungeons," said Marilla drily, "especially as they're rather scarce in Avonlea.
He spent 245 days in a damp dungeon.
The last thing she wants to do is play troglodyte in some damp dungeon.
I don't do well in damp dungeons.
For such opposition to the will of the Basha any other person would have been cast into a damp dungeon at night, and chained in the hot sun by day.
There are beneath this palace dark, damp dungeons into which no ray of light ever filters, whose thick walls are impervious to sound.
In their damp dungeons, the unimaginable becomes real.
While the Daily Star held out the glittering prospect of 'dark, damp, rat-infested dungeons in a medieval castle where troublemakers will be left to rot.'
One was the alcalde who was the commanding officer of the garrison where Talon and Marcus had spent many an inhospitable night in damp dungeons.