Groaning, he leaned on a wall, put his forehead to the cold damp rock.
With quick steps he crosses the flat green-gray stone, his feet leaving no trace on the damp rock.
If you plan to walk, bring shoes with nonskid soles for the damp rocks and steps.
Breathing heavily, he rested his cheek against the damp rock and closed his eyes.
The world is full of damp rocks, with some very strange creatures hiding under them.
His friends became more numerous and respectable, and mine couldn't even be found under damp rocks anymore.
"Don't you know they 're turning over every damp rock in town trying to find you?"
If you want to sit on cold, damp rock, be my guest.
Folger picked a high point and spread his slicker over damp rock.
Probably because of the damp rock... and anyway, Ilna had been cold before.