Billed as a mystery with romance and comedy, it is a damp sock of a movie that makes you wish for leap year.
Stok pushed his feet against the hot porcelain of the stove and watched the steam rise from his damp socks.
The room phone rang as she was peeling off her damp socks.
D'Agosta took a seat at the table, inhaling the familiar blend of sweat, damp socks, and fear.
Nothing worse than damp socks at fifteen thousand feet, let me tell you.
Tiny curls of steam began to rise from her damp woolen socks.
During the day, damp socks dry as we walk.
The first one contained a pair of damp socks, a bottle of painkillers and a hunting knife.
I folded the damp socks between tissues and returned to the men's department.
I was sitting behind her in the back seat, peeling off my damp socks, when I heard a slight sob.