She danced energetically around the whole stage as backup singer Nicki Richards provided vocals during the intermediate solo.
While the band played, Mr. Griffin energetically danced along with his audience, singing and shouting instructions and encouragement.
The video also starred his 14-year-old daughter, Amy, who danced energetically behind him as he talked.
As the guitar intro of the song started, Madonna appeared on the side-stage and started dancing energetically, while flashlights fell on her.
The first section finished with "Ray of Light" where Madonna danced energetically across the stage.
She wore a black kaftan made of chiffon and energetically danced, accompanied by six male dancers, with a platform full of votive candles in the background.
One problem in the cast was Louise Hickey as Azuri, a vengeful belly dancer; she danced energetically but did not propel the action forward.
Even in his late 80s he would energetically dance, make music, and holler all the way up the parade route for a couple of miles.
The young couple danced energetically around the room.
He taught American dancers how to dance energetically and faster than their counterparts abroad.