The final round (merge) would only came on Episode 10, where the final six couples danced together for the first time at the same night.
Dana and he had danced to this one for the last time at their wedding reception.
Darci Kistler danced the third pas de deux for the first time.
Stephen Lawrence's father says he has been able to dance for the first time in nearly 19 years since the murder of his son.
"This weekend I was able to dance for the first time in 18 years."
He held her much too closely, yet she did not care as they danced together for the very first time.
Nijinsky's diary was begun in 1919 when he was only 30, just hours before he danced for the last time.
Moore and his wife are seen outside, dancing for the first time in years.
During the last days of the Second World War he danced in public for the last time.
In 1954, he would dance for the last time under another choreographer, his former teacher Carlos Leite.