It had never said those words before, and the symbols inside the bloody circle danced madly.
He saw a deep cathedral filled with nude, white figures dancing madly in the radiance of stained-glass windows.
The wind swayed the trees and the shadows danced madly.
I began having Scrabble dreams in which people turned into letter tiles that danced madly about.
The activities of the hectic day just past danced madly before his mind.
He began shaking so hard that the candle flame danced madly, and spilled drops of hot wax on his hands.
His hands, palms up on the bed were dancing madly.
He lifted Sati's body on his shoulders and started dancing madly.
When finally I had dealt with the last one, I danced madly for joy.
Shadows danced madly around them, the central pillar of the flame.