With typical modesty she later remarked that the only films she could watch without laughing were the dance musicals she made with Fred Astaire.
Among those were most of the Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers dance musicals.
A new dance musical is called "HOT FEET."
In 1970 she remarked that the only films she could watch without laughing were the dance musicals she made with Fred Astaire.
As the dance critic Arlene Croce wrote of it, "There never was a more star-struck movie or a greater dance musical."
She was also involved in the reading of The $trip, a dance musical which features music and lyrics by Lance Horne.
The world premiere of the dance musical was presented on February 19, 1977, and was followed by a tour throughout the United States.
"Tango Pasión," Argentine dance musical.
This dance musical will re-introduce a 50-year-old super-heroine.
Although the movie is remembered as one of the great dance musicals, it also boasts one of the best film scores of the 1930s.