They were first in both the compulsory and original dance portions of the event, and second in the free dance.
There is a dance portion of this festival.
Endless Flight (Grand Theater, appearing only in the Japanese dance portion)
(The dance portion is spelt in the plural, as seguidillas.)
Although Carey did not re-record her vocals for it, she added a new gospel-style intro before the song's dance portion.
Unlike the other events in both series, there was no compulsory dance portion of the competition.
And the motion sensitive sound system necessary to the dance portion of the show entitled "Variations on Godot" failed to work that night as well.
Their medal at the Olympics was not without some controversy, after Margaglio fell during the free dance portion.
All schools that wish to compete in the Goodphil Games must complete the cultural dance portion.
This leads into the second half of the dance portion during the final choruses of the song which are not intercut with the vignettes.