The program consisted of "Niwa -The Garden," the same dance-theater piece seen two years ago but now containing some changes and a new section.
In this dance-theater piece, choreographed and directed by Chelsea Bacon, a circus emerges from the sea to perform once every 100 years.
The group is known for making dance-theater pieces at cultural sites throughout the city.
The title could be translated as snapdragon but also has a variety of meanings, just like Ms. Bastin's dance-theater piece.
The dance-theater piece is set in a dream world in which people clash with invisible forces.
It may also be a slow-moving dance-theater piece.
A postperformance discussion focuses on the new dance-theater pieces, which were created with the help of free rehearsal space provided by BAX.
But more overwhelming are the galleries full of deconstructed dance-theater pieces, their individual elements sifted out and juxtaposed.
Vocal, playful and raw, his seriocomic dance-theater pieces explore both kinetic boundaries and personal issues.
Like many dance-theater pieces, this one did not fit common definitions of dance.