He moved with wonder as dancers crossed the stage like passing fancies.
The formal pattern is broken, the dancers cross sticks as if reaching for a ball below them and also gesture in friendship.
Its all-male cast seemed to be displaying perseverance and fortitude as the dancers crossed the stage on a choreographic trail.
The dancers occasionally cross over from one side to the other and end lined up on the strip of light that once separated them.
Choreographers and dancers have frequently crossed borders.
In one, dancers in monks' robes penitentially cross the stage on their knees.
She demanded that each dancer cross the floor individually while she exhorted, "Kick that leg higher - and now sell it."
Instead of crossing the set and returning, the dancers merely cross the set once, ending with the couples on the opposite sides of the set.
To dance a gavotte the dancers must cross their feet twice in each step pattern, with each step followed by a hop.
In it we see a winged dancer cross the stage with video monitors as shoes.