In a sequence of nonstop episodes, dancers hurtled and tumbled across the stage in what seemed an endless carnival.
The dancers hurtle through Mr. Preljocaj's tight-bodied, whiplash choreography with impressive precision and clarity, though these terrific movers are seldom able to make much of an individual imprint on what they dance.
To a haunting string-and-vocal score by David Lang, dancers hurtle through the air in horizontal spins, spring into a partner's arms and spin out and back from their partners like whips uncoiling and recoiling.
And 15 powerful young dancers from the Ailey center hurtled and strutted through Kevin Wynn's "After Images."
The nine dancers used the floor as a gentle springboard in their duets and group numbers and then hurtled against a trampoline propped up at the edge of the stage.
The choreography emphasized quickness, and the dancers hurtled about.
But for the most part, the dancers hurtle through the dance, racing, jumping, spinning and displacing each other in combative and serious play.
A third dancer hurtles past them, her arms beating in the air in another of the dance's motifs.
The way its dancers hurtled on stage and then slogged along, toppling over and picking one another up, made the piece interesting for its changes in dynamics.
In such a story, dancers can hurtle past one another, collide or try to avoid collision.