For the latter, dancers imitate known persons in the community, with their faces hidden behind masks to keep identities secret.
Mr. Robbins takes his basic ideas from their duet, but makes no attempt to have his own dancers literally imitate those stars who are, after all, inimitable.
The dancers basically imitate old men, dressed in traditional indigenous clothing and carrying canes.
In the dance, dancers imitating the movements of the vinta (vessel) by balancing perilously on top of poles.
In the Russian dance the dancers imitate the prancing of horses pulling a sled or a carriage.
But when Ms. Benham made dancers imitate the creatures in the title, the choreography, to Prokofiev, grew coy.
Chinese characters were projected on downstage screens, as dancers on a platform imitated the shape of the characters.
These two people control the sili of the dance while the other dancers imitate them.
But those gods were not entirely dead, for live dancers imitated them by moving lumpily around the projections.
In other places dancers imitate various harvesting activities.