The dancers, led by Laura Contardi and Mr. Olivieri, were suitably gracious.
In the group's recent performances in Manhattan, the dancers and their resident string quartet, led by Christopher C. Lee, were equals onstage.
Joel Fontaine's scenery depicts a small-town Main Street, down which come dancers led by a drum majorette (Susan Gladstone).
The powerful work was performed beautifully by the dancers, led by Tara Williamson and Daniel Marshalsay.
The nine dancers, led by John Brooks and Angeline Wolf, look as good as ever and go as far with the material as possible.
The ballet has 22 dancers, led by Miranda Weese and Damian Woetzel.
In the last 20 years the company has become dominated by dancers led by Mr. Martins, as members who danced under Balanchine have retired or left.
The surviving dancers, led by Catherine and Cayetana, danced their sorrow.
The group is often accompanied by dancers led by Cristina Rosa, director of the Badajoz School of African Dance.
Classically trained modern dancers, led by Mel A. Tomlinson, in a program of new work.