She then visits a psychic, Richard Malkin (Nick Jameson), who insists she raise the child herself, because "danger surrounds this baby."
The song deals with riding down a road where danger is surrounding the protagonist of the song at every turn.
But danger surrounded them, and she had to be prepared.
You are wise to trust your feelings, my brother," Raistlin said softly "Great danger and great evil surround us.
It is another to throw yourself into the untrod byways, where danger can surround you.
Have you never thought how danger must surround power as shadow does light?
Time presses,' said their visitor, who, although he sought to express the deepest interest, had something cold and even in his speech, that grated on the ear; 'and danger surrounds us.
She'd never felt so loved and cared for, though at the moment only danger surrounded her.
Knowing that in your hour of need, when danger surrounded you, I could not aid you.
Small furry animals chittered at us and scrampered up to the higher branches, as if they knew that danger surrounded us.