Founded in 2000 by splinters of Lega Nord as a potentially dangerous competitor, is now a rather marginal force.
Mexico had a great future, they said, and would become a dangerous competitor in a few years.
"Aren't you training a man who could become your most dangerous competitor?"
There were no dangerous competitors in the escape, so Merckx did not chase them.
After all, it's only a quarter-point rise, in a faraway country that doesn't interest most Americans now that it no longer seems a dangerous competitor.
In the 1980's Japan had the most dynamic economy in the advanced world; indeed, many Americans viewed it as a dangerous competitor.
He later sold this road for a generous profit to William Henry Vanderbilt, who recognized it as a dangerous competitor.
In any case, World War II temporarily made Hollywood a less dangerous competitor.
The article concluded "Weinberg's non-ambitious goals make him a particularly odd and dangerous competitor online.
The shlyakhta also saw in the Jews dangerous competitors in commercial and financial undertakings.