Some saw him as a dangerous demagogue, while others thought he represented Haiti's best hope for democracy.
I have never seen any evidence of Obama being a dangerous demagogue.
To a number of French intellectuals, he is a dangerous demagogue whose words have multiple meanings and are laced with anger and anti-Semitism.
They hated Boganda in particular, viewing him as a dangerous revolutionary demagogue and a threat to their "free enterprise", and they resolved to get rid of him.
Clodius, a dangerous demagogue, secured the passage of several laws for his coming attack on Cicero.
This was particularly true of British ministers and their supporters, by whom he was dubbed "a firebrand", and "a dangerous demagogue".
Rajiv's death brings out the dangerous demagogues of right and left, eager to break up the union or rule it in tyranny.
Do you think that he is or is capable of being a dangerous demagogue?
But he is 85 years old and, said a European diplomat, "is a dangerous demagogue."
Whoever claims today that structural reforms are unnecessary is a dangerous demagogue.