The plot follows the International Council's attempt to thwart a dangerous dictator with an advanced nuclear cache named Bae Jung-Tae.
It is not clear why the nation needs a victory other than the one we have achieved already, which is to have gotten rid of a dangerous dictator.
The administration's diplomacy efforts had been a dismal failure, he said, but the war was necessary to neutralize a dangerous dictator.
There were, and are, equally brutal and potentially more dangerous dictators in power elsewhere.
Neither country has shown the least hesitation about placing unconventional weapons in the hands of dangerous dictators.
"There are lots of dangerous dictators out there," she said.
Instead, young men and women were sent to make the ultimate sacrifice under the cover of a need to defend ourselves against a dangerous dictator.
Should it go well, Mr. Bush could presumably claim that he restored democracy and peace to Iraq, in addition to removing a dangerous dictator.
Mr. Bush looks at the same war and sees an American enterprise that removed a dangerous dictator, struck a blow against terrorism and is fostering the growth of democracy.
The dangerous dictator was deluded and writing romance novels.