Yet German officials, he said, are quick to brand Muslims as dangerous extremists.
According to the police, the militants are now considered to be as dangerous and uncompromising as animal rights extremists.
The former tried to win by describing the latter as dangerous nationalist extremists and relying on votes of ethnic Serbs.
But Mr. Limonov rejects attempts to paint his followers as dangerous extremists.
But it's also true of the United States, where dangerous extremists belong to the majority religion and the majority ethnic group, and wield great political influence.
Do you think of Republicans and the Tea Party as dangerous, violent extremists?
Sulik turned from liberal politicians in dangerous neoliberal extremist.
Therefore, the Russians had a particular diastase for traditional Muslim authority figures, like the Ulama and the Islamic clergy, who they viewed as dangerous extremists.
In short, dangerous right-wing extremists, as Mr Gorostiaga would say.
They were, apt to look on us who fought as dangerous extremists.