Other less dangerous microbes can also cause swelling, but to tell the difference, lab tests would be needed.
He says patients who have no visible signs of infection may be colonized with potentially dangerous antibiotic-resistant microbes.
Lysins for other dangerous microbes could be added to the sensing devices.
I find it rather difficult to share the admiral's enthusiasm for bringing a dangerous microbe on board.
He had received treatment for the fungus, but who knew what other dangerous, insanity-provoking microbes lived in this prickly swamp?
Based on the circulation measurements, thousands of people would have been killed if a dangerous microbe was released in the same manner.
Other scientists had become infected while investigating dangerous microbes.
High-level biosafety labs are graded on how well they can contain dangerous microbes.
Already several proposals have been made in Congress to forbid some people, including certain foreigners, from working in laboratories that handle dangerous microbes.
Although the federation recently urged its members to establish tighter rules for access to dangerous microbes, it has no authority to enforce compliance.