It's also crucial that lone workers report any accidents, injuries, near misses and other dangerous occurrences.
You must record and report major injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences.
Pool operators were often unaware of their responsibilities to report accidents and dangerous occurrences to their local authority.
Such a dangerous occurrence is prevented by active load management, avoidance of high sea conditions, and proper container/bulkhead design.
They are also prominent in investigating potentially dangerous occurrences in the day's routine.
A single fault could cause an electric shock or other dangerous occurrence.
A very dangerous occurrence that has resulted in several fatalities when kiters on or near land have been dragged into obstacles.
The tire was advertised as a protection against blow outs, a common and dangerous occurrence in the 1930s.
It is also worth giving some thought to the reasons behind these dangerous occurrences.
You must keep a record of any reportable injury, disease or dangerous occurrence.