Some kinds of fish do harbor endemic and dangerous parasites that are killed by cooking or freezing.
Low (of Sector 3308): The most dangerous parasite in the universe.
The carp often host a dangerous parasite, the liver fluke.
When you find yourself on a twenty-third century space station, you soon realise a dangerous alien parasite has taken over most of the people on board.
In reality, raw deer blood, as encountered in a freshly slain deer, often contains dangerous parasites and other pathogens.
Gefilte fish is traditionally made with freshwater fish, which can harbor dangerous parasites.
Bokor, dangerous parasites that possess other species in order to survive, spreading through physical contact.
Is the water that comes into the DIXON house bringing with it dangerous parasites?
It is a dangerous parasite to humans, and its infection can be life-threatening.
They also remove sometimes dangerous parasites and protozoa such as cryptosporidium, although the high temperature prevents them from being a hazard in the hot water.