Despite the AR-15's dangerous propensities, which distinguished it from legitimate firearms used for hunting and self-defense, the courts refused to find any defect in the AR-15.
As he had been under investigation for burglary, Straffen's certificate stated that he was "not of violent or dangerous propensities".
The ferret problem would be dealt with by a bill requiring any person selling a ferret to warn the buyer of the animal's "dangerous propensities."
Leto tried to turn his head, aware of the vine's dangerous propensity to crush a body which moved too freely.
If this connection were put on a rational basis, each would be assured that habitual ill-temper would terminate in separation, and would check this vicious and dangerous propensity.
"Mental gluttony, or overreading, is a dangerous propensity," Lewis Carroll writes.
"Any action by this court which unconditionally set the defendant loose in the community would, in light of his dangerous propensities, be highly irresponsible," Mr. Waples wrote in the 17-page memorandum.
It's a question of dangerous propensities.
That puts you on notice that he has dangerous propensities.
A Federal judge has ruled that a reputed mobster dying of AIDS should spend his final days in a hospital bed rather than in jail, despite his "proven dangerous propensities."