As a sideline, he took up the dangerous, illegal pursuit of running moonshine whiskey.
None of this is your calling, yet you've taken to dangerous pursuits twice now.
Now and then, we clamp down on people's access to dangerous pursuits.
He was used to running the streets at that hour, drinking and fighting, dangerous pursuits for anybody, particularly a boy of 13.
But if Fleeming was an anxious father, he did not suffer his anxiety to prevent the boys from any manly or even dangerous pursuit.
If they don't have the chance to play rugby, they may well try even more dangerous pursuits.
There had to be some way he could channel the aggression and competitiveness of these men into a less dangerous pursuit.
As they discover more about the island's dark past what began as a diversion becomes a dangerous pursuit.
He lets his jurors go up in a blimp, but balks at more dangerous pursuits.
She is not being led blindly into dangerous pursuits.