America is committed to keeping the most dangerous weapons out of the hands of the world's most dangerous regimes.
And intelligence about Iraq, under a dangerous regime led by a secretive tyrant, was imperfect at best.
Over that period, two of the world's most dangerous regimes, Pakistan and North Korea, have developed nuclear weapons and the missiles to launch them.
He opposes policies that amount to appeasement of dangerous regimes.
Today, we have the greater power to free a nation by breaking a dangerous and aggressive regime.
"It shows a willful determination to continue ignoring the threat posed by some of the most dangerous regimes in the world."
"I think this is a very dangerous regime."
He emphasized the need to study the dangerous regime of "shock stall", and to safely transition through transonic speed and beyond.
But while he was waiting for his case to be heard, the dangerous regime he fled was toppled and an elected government took its place.
Its murderous antics reinforce its claim to the title of world's most dangerous regime.