The crime committed was so unsettling that any trial would have been a perilous one, with repercussions potentially more divisive and dangerous than the original sin.
Even if air engagements were accidental they would have extremely dangerous repercussions and if they were deliberate they could not fail to lead to a wider war.
Walid Jumblatt also expressed "fears [of] the dangerous repercussions" of an indictment during a visit to Syria.
But how much can one person do, and does the myth of the entrepreneur have dangerous repercussions for the rest of us?
In the house Peter talks with his uncle, Dom, who thinks the marriage could bring dangerous repercussions.
He knows that writing the story may have dangerous repercussions, and yet he must write it.
Hurlbert, who feared that the election of a Republican president would create dangerous repercussions in the South, favored Stephen A. Douglas, Lincoln's Democratic rival.
It demonstrates that, because of increased interdependence, destabilisations that are far away in geographical terms may nonetheless have dangerous repercussions for us, whether direct or indirect.
While our muscles may possess potential strength that can be tapped when faced with danger, this can also have dangerous repercussions.
To move too soon would be a disaster, he knew; waiting too long would have less dangerous repercussions.