Scott's ability to show emotional restraint in battle earns him Sinister's favor over Alex, fueling a dangerous rivalry between the brothers.
And they see the Middle East moving from conventional military rivalries to far more dangerous nuclear rivalries.
And if they can avoid war, the coming decades can be peaceful and productive provided there are no misunderstandings or dangerous rivalries.
There was already too much dangerous rivalry between the pair of Scots.
Heavy machine guns and anti-aircraft guns were used by both factions, supposed allies who in reality nurse a dangerous rivalry.
The large number of different tribes meant that there were not enough interpreters, and potentially dangerous tribal rivalries needed attention.
Without strong U.S. involvement, the potential for dangerous rivalries between France, Britain, Germany and Italy would be enormous.
It also reflected an increasingly dangerous rivalry between the Chinese and American militaries.
They had created dangerous rivalries between men.
The agreement was designed to protect Northumberland from direct encroachment and to defuse a potentially dangerous rivalry.