The liberation of oxygen and energy in the decomposition has dangerous side-effects.
Post-marketing safety data indicated that the drug had dangerous side-effects (in this case liver failure).
Neumega is a potent drug and can have certain, sometimes dangerous, side-effects.
These are the dangerous side-effects of the short-term mentality.
Both studies were terminated early because a reduction in cardiovascular disease was not observed for most women and some women had dangerous side-effects.
Pesticides, for example, can be directly harmful to people or have dangerous side-effects.
The gifts are labelled 'good', though several dangerous side-effects are accepted.
Proponents of orthomolecular medicine argue that supplements are less likely to cause dangerous side-effects or harm, since they are normally present in the body.
Addiction is the strongest and most dangerous side-effect of dranath.
However, his powers often create unpredictable and dangerous side-effects.