The next stop in the park is Playa Chikitu, a sunbathing beach with a dangerous surf and undertow.
Adela then launched her boats which rowed through the dangerous surf and took possession of the Confederate schooner Badger.
He had gone into dangerous surf to rescue some relatives but was probably sucked under by a rip.
Many beaches in Sri Lanka have dangerous surf or rip tides at certain times of the year, always take local advice before entering the sea.
Irene causes dangerous surf on Saturday in Ocean City, Maryland.
Areas of dangerous surf and undertow are often unmarked.
A wooden sign at a remote beach in Central California is carved with the words "dangerous surf."
It took nearly 12 years of professional surfing before she would ride the world's most famed and dangerous surf.
A green flag indicates normal conditions, yellow means dangerous surf and red means absolutely no swimming due to hazardous currents.
The motor whaleboat was put over the side, but dangerous surf prevented it from landing.