As a result, their progress through the wastes was dangerously slow.
The plans call for the Fire Department to use reserve fire trucks as a backup should response times slow dangerously because of traffic.
He looked at Edwards again and then at the awkward, dangerously slow rolling of the wrapped-up Camsaug.
Symptoms of a dangerously slow heartbeat include weakness, loss of energy and fainting.
Like Chris, she was not reckless, but dangerously slow due to lack of confidence in her driving.
But the autopilot remained on, and the plane fluctuated between 130 and 134 knots, dangerously slow.
Holly's thermal imager showed that his heartbeat was dangerously slow and weak.
The Fed's anti-inflation "hysteria," the authors say, only keeps growth dangerously slow.
Too much up elevator during the flare can result in the plane getting dangerously slow and threatening to stall.
Some people with no symptoms are still at risk of getting a dangerously slow heart rate in the future.