Beside him, Eorth's head drooped, his cup dangling empty from his hands.
Light sockets dangle empty from the ceiling.
His gaze bounced away, skimming the bare shelves and sagging rod where a few hangers dangled empty.
THE SHADOW was half way to the office when the guards came out with the truckmen, whose bags were dangling empty.
She was without a coat, but he had a herringbone topcoat thrown over his shoulders, sleeves dangling empty.
There was the noose, dangling empty.
It couldn't gesture with its other hand, because that hand was smeared across Pelinor's face-Jode's coat-sleeve dangled empty from the elbow down.
There stood Isabel, her left coat sleeve dangling empty, and Pat.
A shoulder safety belt dangled empty in the dri- ver's seat.
Sometimes, for example, I arrive in a large net that has been dangling empty from the roof of the auditorium all through the show.