The dead leather weight of her bag dangled from her fingers.
He held up the key chain, dangling it from his fingers.
Cawley came off the wall, the cigarette dangling from his fingers.
As she passed through the door the garment was dangling from her fingers.
He tied it around the center of the stone and let the black rock dangle from his fingers.
But when a car finally had room for him, he stood there with the picture of Chloe dangling from his fingers.
The Count started and stared about him, then followed the others out, dazedly, the chain dangling from his fingers.
Her gaze narrowed on the older man and the bottle of beer dangling from his fingers.
When he had finished he sat for some little time lost in thought with the letter dangling from his fingers.
The Count started and stared about him, then followed the others out, like a man in a daze, the chain dangling from his fingers.