Ahead was a dank, shadowy hallway.
Jake led the way down a dank hallway lit with one light and stopped when he stepped into the laundry room.
He led them through a dank gray hallway and to another carved door.
Rats and roaches scurry along its dank hallways, and generations of prisoners have left their graffiti on the stone walls.
She followed him through a side door, down a dank and narrow hallway, and into an office.
They went through the wooden door and were in a dark dank hallway.
Vampires are one of the few evils that don't lurk in the dank hallways and vacant lots of the South Bronx.
Slogging down the dank hallway, the soldiers reached a room where they found hundreds of books floating in the foul water.
In other words, all our cultural marbles are rolling around the cavernous, dank hallways of Martha Paul's ancestral home.
Faint light wedged into the room from wall sconces in the dank hallway behind the door, silhouetting the bulky body of a man.