The lid was now fully open, tendrils of dank mist trailing over the edges of the container.
The smith stared at his son who stood wraithlike in that weird, dank mist.
The wind had swung suddenly and unseasonably into the east, and there was a cold dank mist lying on the hills.
Through the dank mist, ugly figures emerged like ghosts.
She shivered and pulled her cloak closer against the dank mist.
It grew cold and a dank white mist began to rise and hang over the water.
Savage, cruel, menacing in the dank mist, the horns sounded doom and disaster for Craghead.
Only the three white rocks showed up clearly and they were sometimes obscured by the dank mists.
In the distance, he could hear the roar of the falls, a roar muffled by the dank mists that shrouded the city.
Still holding to Oomark, I listened, straining to pick up any sound in the dank mist.