On such a beautiful day it seems sad to sit in the dank, scruffy room.
Mack turned his gaze away, pretending to look for a waitress in the dank room.
She walked quickly over to the other side of the dank room, so that they wouldn't see her face.
Even inside the dank underground room where the 10-year-old was held for 16 days, she was not free to move about, the police revealed.
He said he was thrown into a small, dank room with more than 100 people and a toilet in the center.
They discover a dank room with four empty chairs lined up.
Molly awakes and is in the dank room with four chairs from the beginning.
He spun the tumblers and the door opened into a dark, dank room.
As Agnes had walked through each dank room she'd thoughtfully taken note of details.
It was a dank vaulted room, clearly lived in by someone who didn't spend a lot of social time there.