I thought of a merry-go-round, little dappled horses.
Startled, the men spun to see a golden-haired warrior leading a dappled grey horse through the trees.
Almost as dazzling was the green of the nearby meadow grass, now cropped peacefully by their stolen, dappled horse.
Beside him a dappled brown horse was hooked to the plow, deep in mud itself.
He saddled the dappled horse and helped Inya mount.
In the distance, the dappled horse let out a nervous nicker.
The Companion was larger than the dappled horse, and wider; Inya's hips stretched painfully across the saddle.
He could make her out, now, on a dappled horse be- hind two bays.
That night I watched Jared Brown, the blacksmith, gently shoe a beautiful dappled grey horse.
She rode a dark dappled horse; roan, I thought, blue, though in the darkness it was hard to tell.