ON a recent spring afternoon, several ninth graders stood in the dappled sunshine at Rippowam Cisqua School here discussing their plans for next year.
Château Valois, when they reached it, looked more beautiful than ever amidst the fresh green of early summer leaves and dappled sunshine.
The dappled sunshine is gradually replaced by deeper and deeper shadow.
The sun filters through the leaves, creating dappled sunshine on the three figures.
Now it was morning and the world was still and serene and green and gold with dappled sunshine.
One- and two-storey shingled houses gleam in the dappled sunshine, while fuchsias, violets and poppies sprout from the tumbling, vine-twisted undergrowth.
The road led steeply up through broadleaved forests of dappled sunshine, full of paths and streams, and then higher up, opened out to airy vistas.
The rains of summer have transformed it into a lush, green sanctuary, filled with dappled sunshine, bird song and the smell of wild roses.
He collected his dish and glass and put them in the sink, then ran out the screen door into sweet, dappled sunshine and the call of sparrows.
The ground was covered with flowering myrtle, its periwinkle blue flowers flat in the dappled sunshine.