Morávek was known for his foolhardy nature and daring actions.
Even among his own kind, he'd accrue considerable prestige from such a daring action.
Rumi took part in many daring actions against Pakistan army.
Deliberate but daring and courageous actions on a single occasion or over a period of time.
Skene calls this "one of the most daring actions which has ever been recorded of any Highland chief."
Maybe he was confusing the verb with the noun, which means "an interesting or daring action or achievement."
The massacre was stopped at the last minute thanks to the courage and daring action of Wallenberg.
However Jabrayilov continued his daring actions against the Germans until the end of the war.
The numerical weakness will be balanced by daring actions and surprise execution.
That such a daring action might just cause men to "think", to "doubt".